Terms of Use.
All materials on this blog are for personal and classroom use only. Files are not to be shared or sold in any format. If you feature my materials on your site please do so with a direct link back to my blog. Do not use pictures or files from my blog and say they are your own. All of my printables have my blog name at the bottom of the page. I do this so you always know the source of the material. You are welcome to take pictures of your kiddos using the printables and post those pictures on your own blog. Again, a link back to my blog is appreciated whenever my printables are featured.
I recently registered & protected my blog with a Copy Right.
It has recently been brought to my attention that people like to steal clipart from files and use them without permission or without paying for them. I NEVER use clipart without permission from the original designer. I also pay for my clipart. It is not given to me and I receive nothing from the designers in exchange for mentioning their names or providing links to their on-line shops. I am in no way saying that any of my readers have stolen clipart or used my files as their own. I am just protecting myself from future attacks. I often say that I live under a rock in a world of ignorant bliss. I prefer to think of the world as one where we all get a long and no one steals from each other. Reality tells me something different, but I enjoy my ignorant bliss and prefer to keep it that way. Just know that I put a lot of time and energy into creating the printables. I do it because I love it, not because I am looking for anything in return.
If you are checking out my blog and find a discrepancy or problem, I prefer you to contact me direct. It's the fastest way to do so. I make all efforts to correct discrepancies and make sure that everyone is happy. You can find my email in my profile.You can find my profile by scrolling down the home page and clicking on my name in the ABOUT ME section.
We are now done with the boring stuff. Please enjoy my printables and most of all HAVE FUN with your kiddos.